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River Corridor Data Online

Statewide river corridor data is now available online at the Vermont Natural Resources Atlas.

The easiest way to access the data is the Flood Ready Atlas 

Use Flood Ready Tools to "Zoom to Town" and then "Toggle River Corridors On" 

The data is also available on the VT ANR Natural Resources Atlas  

The River Corridors layer is found in the "Watershed Protection Layers" set.

GIS Data

For people using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the easiest way to bring the river corridor into your GIS as an ANR service is to download this layer file.

The data will also be posted as a GIS Service (or for download) by the Vermont Center for Geographic Information.

Currently the River Corridors data can be downloaded as a shapefile from the VT ANR Natural Resources Atlas   Use "Quick Tools" and select "Extract GIS Data".  

If you have any difficulty accessing the data please contact us . 

Thank you.


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