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Vermont Climate Assessment

The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics released the inaugural Vermont Climate Assessment report. This study, led by Dr. Gillain Galford, is the first in the nation state level climate assessment modeled after the National Climate Assessment. The report covers 9 sectors (policy, community development, water resources, forests, agriculture and food systems, recreation and tourism, human health, transportation, and education-outrach).

Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 - What's Changed from BW12?

After many of the new provisions of Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (BW12) started going into effect, we had written about discussions and a US Senate bill that was working its way through Congress to roll back many of the BW12 provisions.  While there were many issues that seemed to need some working out, chief among them affordability provisions for the new rates and increasing funding for mitigation projects, a final bill was sent from the House of Representatives to the

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