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Aug. 16 - Pre-App Deadline for Hazard Mitigation Assistance

Open Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Funding

Due to the recently passed state budget for FY2025, there will be no local match requirement under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding following the July 2023 flooding (DR-4720-VT). The program typically requires communities to cover the 25% local match.  

Additionally, the deadline for submitting the pre-application form has been extended to August 16, 2024, to allow additional time for local communities, regional planning commissions, certain private non-profits, and state agencies to apply. Pre-applications only need to provide basic information on a proposed project so we can prioritize technical support to develop full applications.  

For more information, review the attached Amended Notice of Funding Opportunity for DR-4720-VT

We anticipate a total of around $90 million will be available under this funding round. Eligible Projects include, but are not limited to: 

·                    Flood-vulnerable buyouts and structural elevations  

·                    Natural resource projects such as floodplain restorations or dam removals  

·                    Infrastructure projects such as upsizing bridges or culverts  

·                    Floodproofing of municipal or commercial buildings  

·                    Landslide-vulnerable buyouts 

·                    Road relocation, road elevations, or soil stabilization  

·                    Generators for critical buildings

To learn more, please visit Vermont's Disaster Based Funding page.

You can also reach out directly to with any questions.   





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