2025 Tier 2 Rivers & Roads Training Program Schedule
Sponsored by VT Rivers Program, VT Fish & Wildlife Program and VT Transportation Agency
To preserve, enhance, restore, and conserve Vermont's natural resources, and protect human health, for the benefit of this and future generations
Tier 1 Online River and Roads Slide Show:
• This slide show presentation discusses river terms and concepts to provide a background for the Tier 2 class. The slide show may take 30 minutes to an hour to review and includes some quick quizzes that are not recorded but provide immediate feedback for the user.
• Click on this link to view the Tier 1 slideshow https://anrweb.vt.gov/DEC/RoadsTraining/Default.aspx
Tier 2 River and Roads workshops:
Watch this fun video link from VPR Outdoors Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOBMq2gYP_k
• Tier 2 is a two-day training and is both indoors and outdoors. Bring, or wear, appropriate field clothes and waterproof boots or old sneakers, you can get wet! Each day will be indoors for slide shows and class exercises and river flume table demonstrations and outdoors on rivers and streams to observe in the field what we’ve seen and discussed indoors.
• A certificate for Continuing Education Credits is provided for all classes
• Open to all municipal staff, state staff, construction contractors, engineers, consultants, regional planning commission staff, conservation districts, and others working with communities on river and road related issues
• Trainings are from 8:30am - 4:00pm
Central Workshop - @ VTrans Dill Building at 2178 Airport Rd, Berlin, Vermont:
• May 7th & 8th
• October 15th & 16th,
Regional Workshops:
• May 21st & 22nd – St. Johnsbury @ 1068 US Rte. 5, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
• Oct. 29th & 30th – Mendon @ 84 US Rte. 4 Mendon, Vermont
Sign-up for events go through:
• Non-state staff: Sign up through our new registration page: https://anronline.vermont.gov/?formtag=RiversAndRoads
• State/municipal staff: SOV LINC look at the events calendar for the “Rivers and Roads Tier II”
• If you have any questions please contact Staci Pomeroy: staci.pomeroy@vermont.gov , 802-490-6191
To preserve, enhance, restore, and conserve Vermont's natural resources, and protect human health, for the benefit of this and future generations.