Please join us on Thursday January 19 at 9 am to talk about the FEMA flood hazard studies that are underway. For an introduction to the map update process please visit Review and corrections of the draft Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), by municipal officials, are invited at two stages – the Work Maps (by watershed) and then the Preliminary FIRMs (by county). On Thursday we can discuss the process underway, the prioritized detailed studies, Base Level Engineering, and how this will support your work.
Ned Swanberg, the Vermont Flood Hazard Mapping Coordinator, will describe the current studies underway across Vermont, introduce the mapping methods, and share some sample images of the new data.
The Drop-In Discussions are informal gatherings on the third Thursday of the month from 9 – 10 am hosted by VTDEC’s River Corridor and Floodplain Protection program. No registration is required. Come on by!
To support casual dialogue the discussions are not video-recorded. The discussions support the work of municipal officials who are responsible for floodplain and river corridor regulations, and/or are involved in the broader work of floodplain management.
If you have questions about the event, or using Teams, feel free to reach out to
Future invitations to the Drop In Discussions will be posted to the Flood Resilience Listserv and also as News on
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