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Local Hazard Mitigation Plans - Training November 20 -21

Register by November 14 with Ray Doherty, DEMHS, to attend the two day FEMA Training G318: Preparing and Reviewing Local Hazard Mitigation Plans.  The training will be held at the Vermont Emergency Operations Center in Waterbury.  No charge. Lunch provided. Credits available for Certified Floodplain Managers.

The course is designed for new mitigation planners as well as for those experienced planners who wish to improve their mitigation plan development skills.  We strongly encourage all interested regional or community planners to attend this training event.  


Ray Doherty arranged the training through FEMA Region 1 staff in Boston.  Ray wrote:

    I am pleased to announce that FEMA will be conducting a comprehensive Mitigation Planning workshop in the State EOC at VT Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security (DEMHS) offices in Waterbury on November 20-21, 2014.   This is the formal G-318 training course;  please mark your calendars accordingly.    

      Training will begin in the State EOC on Thursday, November 20 at 9 AM and will end at 4:30 PM on Friday, November 21    There is no charge for attending the workshop and lunch will be provided on both days of the training sessions.   The course is designed for new mitigation planners as well as for those experienced planners who wish to improve their mitigation plan development skills.  We strongly encourage all interested planners to attend this training event.   Regional Planning Commission staff may also extend this invitation to individual town planners who may be interested in attending the training.   Appropriate course credit will be issued to participants upon successful completion of the workshop.   


    G-318:  Preparing and Reviewing Local Plans

   This comprehensive 2-day workshop will cover the fundamentals of mitigation planning requirements for communities to develop new or updated Local Mitigation Plans that address community priorities and needs and which meet requirements established in 44 CFR 201.6 and in FEMA guidance documents.  This in-depth workshop describes the planning process, the requirements for stakeholder/town involvement, assessing risks and developing effective mitigation strategies.    Finally, the basic elements of the plan review, approval and update cycle are discussed, including tips for implementing and maintaining an approved plan, tracking performance, keeping stakeholders involved, and preventing existing plans from lapsing or expiring.


    Pre-registration for this course is required.   Planners interested in attending this workshop should confirm by sending an email to Ray Doherty ( no later than November 14th


     We do look forward to seeing you next month at this important training event.   If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at your convenience.     


Best regards,


Ray Doherty,  State Hazard Mitigation Officer

Vermont Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security (DEMHS)

103 South Main Street

Waterbury, VT  05671

Tel  (802) 241-5258  (office)


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