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Living in Harmony with Streams - new 2016 edition released

Watersheds United Vermont is pleased to release the 2016 version of Living in Harmony with Streams: A Citizen's Handbook to How Streams Work.

This booklet is a revision of the original 2012 version. A special thank you to Mike Kline, Vermont DEC Rivers' Program for updating the language from the original booklet. This booklet provides an explanation of stream processes, how land use decisions impact our rivers and streams and what we can do to reduce erosion, protect our floodplains and make our communities more flood resilient.

If you are interested in ordering paper copies of the booklet, please email Lyn Munno at

For questions about the content of the booklet, please contact Ann Smith at Friends of the Winooski River at

Lyn Munno, Watersheds United

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