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There are a vast array of resources available for use to continue the conversation on creating more equitable communities. We selected a subset of these resources and summarized them below for your convenience.

We hope that you are able to utilize this section for whatever best allows you to help promote equitable communities---whether that is personal growth, community education, or more.

The Flood Resilience Listserve is a great place to ask questions and offer ideas.

Links to Sections Below:

Reading (and Listening) Material

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Check Out These Mapping Tools!

  • FEMA’s National Risk Index Map (NRI) provides a look at areas that are most at risk of natural hazards across the United States.

  • The EPA’s EJScreen Tool allows the user to view different environmental and demographic data and see how different categories may or may not be correlated.

  • The Vermont Social Vulnerability Index showcases the relative vulnerability of communities at the Census Tract level by utilizing socioeconomic, demographic, and housing/transportation data.

  • The Vermont Environmental Disparity Index examines communities at the Census Tract level that are most susceptible to environmental hazards based on environmental risk factors, health risk factors, and social vulnerability.

  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) allows the user to explore data at the county level from 2000-2018 that has been compiled to compare relative social vulnerability.

  • The CDC’s Info By Location tool allows you to enter a county name or zip code and view a brief summary of relevant environmental health issues in the area.

  • The Environmental Justice Atlas documents and categorizes a variety of different environmental justice conflicts across the world for public use.

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Other Educational Opportunities

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Adcock, F., Anderson, D., & Rosson, P. (2015). The Economic Impacts of Immigrant Labor on U.S. Dairy Farms.
Texas A&M AgriLife Research.

Hamshaw, Baker, Degreenia, O'Neil-Dunne, Erikson, Gerrity, Dibble, Kibuey  
Vermont Manufactured Home Parks Flood Risk Assessment (June 2023)

Baker, Hamshaw, S., & Hamshaw, K. (2014). Rapid Flood Exposure Assessment of Vermont Mobile Home Parks Following Tropical Storm Irene. Natural Hazards Review, 15(1), 27-37.

Hino, M., & Nance, E. (2021, June 29). Five Ways to Ensure Flood Risk Research Helps the Most Vulnerable. Springer Nature.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2021, July 27). The Effects of Climate Change.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. (2018). In the Eye of the Storm: A People’s Guide to Transforming Crisis & Advancing Equity in the Disaster Continuum.

Tate, E., Rahman, M. A., Emrich, C. T., & Sampson, C. C. (2021). Flood Exposure and Social Vulnerability in the United States. Natural Hazards, 106, 435-457.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Provisional Life Expectancy Estimates for January through June, 2020. National Vital Statistics System.

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