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Compatible Uses

What are some of the compatible uses of river corridors and floodplains?  How can we imagine options in our community to both restore floodplain functions and enhance our community?

  • What is compatible?
  • What are some compatible uses?
  • What are some new ideas?
  • What are other communities doing?

Links and misc.

Video Presentations:

Upstream Downtown Workshop Presentations (Videos from April 8, 2013)

(Event partners: Harvard Loeb Fellowship, ACCD, ANR, Vermont Planners Association,  Vermont Natural Resources Council, and Vermont Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects)

Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program  National Park Service


Vermont Reports:

Vermont State Agency Policy Options Smart Growth Implementation Assistance Program: Disaster Recovery and Long-Term Resilience Planning in Vermont Gavin Smith, 2013

Vermont’s Roadmap to Resilience - The Institute for Sustainable Communities (2013)

ACCD Rebuilding Stronger – Learning from the Mad River Watershed

ACCD Vermont Economic Resiliency Initiative

Assessing State Policy Linking Disaster Recovery, Smart Growth, And Resilience In Vermont Following Tropical Storm Irene - Gavin Smith, Dylan Sandler, and Mikey Goralnik

Rivers and Resilience: Lessons Learned From Tropical Storm Irene  David K. Mears and Sarah McKearnan 2012-2013

Transcript of Panel Five of the After Irene Symposium on Creating a More Resilient Vermont Bob Irwin, Deb Markowitz, David K. Mears, and Brian Shupe 2012-2013


Restoration Opportunities

Ecosystem Restoration Program Grants

River Corridor Planning, Protection and Restoration


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